First Announcement & Call for Papers Ee2023
Dear Power Electronics researchers and fans,
Huge greetings from Novi Sad, Serbia!
It is our great pleasure to welcome you to the 50-year jubilee 22nd International Symposium on POWER ELECTRONICS Ee2023
which will be held from October 25th to 28th, 2023 in Novi Sad & Belgrade, Serbia.
The venue will be the Science & Technology Park in Novi Sad and the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts in Belgrade.
It is organized by the Power Electronics Society of Serbia, Novi Sad, Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Belgrade, Institute “Nikola Tesla”, Belgrade, and the Faculty of Technical Sciences of the University of Novi Sad.
Prof. Vladimir Katic, Chair
Submission of full paper: April 29, 2023
Notification of acceptance: July 15, 2023
Receipt of full paper: Sept. 1, 2023
Submission of papers & Participation registration
Best paper awards
The outstanding papers will be considered for the best paper award, best Serbian author awards (3) and best student paper awards (3).
E-mail: dee@uns.ac.rs
www: www.dee.uns.ac.rs
Accepted papers
Accepted papers will be available through IEEE Xplore, provided that they have been presented at the conference and passed the plagiarism checker (IEEE Cross Check/Ithenticate). Citation databases: Web of Science & Scopus.
Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts,
Belgrade, Serbia (photo: www.sanu.ac.rs/en/)
Science & Technology Park, Novi Sad,
Serbia (photo: Pintier Ivan, Phd)
Prof. Vladimir Katic, Conference Chair,
University of Novi Sad, Novi Sad, Serbia
Acad. Prof. Slobodan Vukosavić, Conference Co-Chair
University of Belgrade & SASA, Belgrade, Serbia
Prof. Dushan Boroyevich, Conference Co-Chair
Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, USA
Prof. Miroslav Vasic, Technical Co-Chair
Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, Madrid, Spain
Prof. Jelena Popović, Technical Co-Chair
The University of Twente, Twente, The Netherlands
Prof. Aleksandar Prodic, Technical Co-Chair
University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada
Dr. Dusan Graovac, Technical Co-Chair
Infineon Technologies AG, Neubiberg, Germany
Dr. Žarko Janda, Technical Co-Chair
Institute Nikola Tesla, Belgrade, Serbia
Assoc. Prof. Zoltan Corba, Publication Chair
University of Novi Sad, Novi Sad, Serbia
Assist.Prof. Aleksandar Stanisavljevic, Tresurer
University of Novi Sad, Novi Sad, Serbia
Prof. Vladimir Katic, Chair
Acad. Prof. Slobodan Vukosavić, Co-Chair
Prof. Dushan Boroyevich, Co-Chair
1. Power converters and devices
• New technologies and future trends,
• Wide-band devices (GaN, SiC, etc.) and drivers,
• Development, realization, and application of rectifiers, inverters, choppers, and other converters,
• Converters for DC and AC power supplies (DC/DC, UPS...), chargers for Accu-batteries, maintenance, etc.,
• Multilevel converters, and MMC,
• Analysis, modeling, and simulation of converters,
• Converters in development.
2. Automotive and Industrial Electrical drives
• Electrical vehicles (EV): drives and e-traction,
• Battery chargers, G2V, V2G, and V2V systems,
• Batteries for EVs, and battery management system,
• Industrial electrical drives, multi-motor drives,
• Analysis, modeling, and simulation of drives.
3. Electrical Machines
• Electronic transformers, and SST,
• Analysis, modeling, and simulation,
• Construction, protection, supervision, and diagnostics,
• Testing, exploitation, and repair.
4. Advanced Control Systems and Measurement
• Digital control of power electronics converters and systems,
• Electronic measurement systems and sensors,
• Control of industrial processes,
• Computer application (CAD, CAM…),
• Communication systems, supervision, and diagnostics,
• Modeling, simulation, estimation, and identification.
5. Smart Power Electronics, Smart Grids, and Energy Storage
• Artificial intelligence in power electronics,
• Deep learning applications,
• Application of power electronics in Smart Grids and Low-inertia grids, Microgrids, and “Energy islands”
• Energy storage systems
• Condition monitoring and predictive maintenance,
• Power electronics control structures in microgrids,
• Self-aware and self-adaptable power electronics systems,
• Power Electronics for the Smart Grids and Industry 4.0,
• Role of power electronics in microgrids, hybrid grids, and distributed energy sources.
6. Power quality
• Power electronic converters and power quality,
• Electromagnetic compatibility, EMI, ecology,
• Active filters, FACTS, DVRs, STATCOMs, and UPQCS,
• Power quality characterizations and classification systems.
7. Renewable & distributed energy sources
• Power electronics application in renewables (RES) and hybrid systems,
• Power electronics devices in wind and solar plants,
• Interaction of power electronics and grids,
• “Clean” energy sources, and multi-energy transformations.
Technically Co-sponsored by*
IEEE Power Electronics Society,
IEEE Industrial Electronics Soc.,
IEEE Industry Application Soc.,
EPE Association,
Brussels, Belgium
Nuremberg, Germany
IEEE – Serbia and Montenegro Section, Belgrade, Serbia
IEEE –Joint Chapter IAS/IES/PELS,
Novi Sad, Serbia
PEMC Council,
Budapest, Hungary
Belgrade, Serbia
*To be confirmed
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22nd International Symposium POWER ELECTRONICS Ee2023 Novi Sad, Serbia,
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